A multi-user, multiprocessing virtual memory-based operating system.
The first 64-bit RISC microprocessor that wasn't built from a 32-bit architecture
The first commercially availble 32-bit computer
The Program Data Processor became the first computer created by Digital
Digital's windowing architecture, based on X-Windows, Version 11
Develop high-performance low-powered processors to be used in PDAs & set-tops
In 1975, became the first peer-to-peer network architecture
An independent computer user group related to Digital Equipment Corporation
VT100 became the de facto standard for video terminals after its release in 1978
Drawing computer graphics using a sophisticated set of commands.
A group of computers coupled together in a multiprocessing environment.
Portable, multi-system emulator for PDP, VAX, and Alpha computer systems
Knowledge is power - Knowledge Shared Is Power Multiplied.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise